A Treat-Catching Bonanza

Recap of our Dog Treat-Catching Session

On July 8th, we hosted our first-ever day of treat catching sessions at our pet photography studio in West Hartford, CT. Dogs arrived at our studio eager to try their luck at catching a treat while their parents were excited to have that moment captured as fun, hilarious images. As a professional pet photographer, I was eager for the genuine moments of laughter and fun that lay ahead.

The diverse group of dogs and parents brought a contagious energy to the session. I was thrilled at the dedication of each parent to train and practice with their pup leading up to the session. Regardless of whether they catch it or not, our goal was to capture the moments, resulting in a collection of entertaining and endearing photos.

The Session Setup:

To ensure every dog received their moment in the spotlight, we allocated 15 minutes for each one. This allowed us to focus on capturing the perfect shots, preserving the excitement and anticipation in the air. After the session, parents had an additional 15 minutes to select their favorite photos.

Behind the Scenes:

Tossing treats while capturing the perfect shot requires skill and a lot of practice. Fortunately, I had the invaluable support of my husband as my trusted dog wrangler. You’re probably wondering how I even do it - it’s toss with the left and shoot with the right - not easy!!

Although these were only a one-day session, the fun doesn't end there. We incorporate treat catching in all of our full portrait sessions which we host year round. Reach out to learn more about booking a full portrait session.

As a token of gratitude, each participant received a goody bag filled with treats and coupons from our favorite local small businesses. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Paul's Custom Pet Food, Daley Pawz, Charlie's Traveling Treat Truck, and Dogology for their generous contributions. Supporting local businesses is a cause close to our hearts, and we were thrilled to share their fantastic products with our clients.

While we will certainly attempt to schedule another day of sessions, we also encourage pet parents to reach out and book a full session. Our full portrait sessions provide an extended opportunity to capture each dog's unique personality, creating cherished memories that will stand the test of time.

From the thrill of catching treats to the heartfelt connections formed, this was a day that exemplified the true spirit of pet photography. The biggest thank you goes out to my clients that trust me with their beloved pets and give me the opportunity to do what I love!

If you’d like to learn more about what we offer in a full portrait session as well as why you need portraits of your dog: Schedule A Free Consult

I look forward to talking to you and meeting your pet!


Treat-Catching Session vs. Full Pet Portrait Session


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